
Much more than coffee and tea

So when I mentioned that my blog would cover a plethora of topics outside of coffee and tea, I realized just how true that will likely be. We may all have vastly different interests, but you wouldn't be reading this blog if we didn't have at least one thing in common. So that being said, I really do hope that many of you come and visit my blog often because I want this blog to represent more than just the passion of sipping wonderful beverages, I want it to be conducive to education of all of my readers in as many various issues and subjects as possible. Lets get into some specifics that you might find in my blog besides coffee and tea:
Indie music
All other types of quality music
Investment strategies
Creative writing
and Journalism
So there is just a list of topics that may end up being covered by me.

A little bit about me

My name is Tyler Kleinow and I am a full-time student at Wheaton College in Illinois and my number one passion is the speciality coffee and tea business. My hope is to use this Blog to spread this passion throughout the world, because the art of enjoying exquisite beverages should never be a secret to anybody. Additionally, we may have some field trips straying from the business of coffee and tea — ranging from philosophy to Greco-roman history — so be prepared for a Blog that is "not your average joe!" Ha ha ... I cannot even believe I just used that joke. So please, visit this Blog early and often and I can pretty much guarantee you won't regret it.